曲阜师范大学教科院教授 庞守兴
关键词:教育学 理论 实践
From " Theory " to" Technology": Pedagogy towards Practice
Pang Shouxing
(Education Science College , Qufu Normal University, Qufu 273165,China)
Abstract: The relationship between educational theory and practice problem involves education academic status and its honor, but in recent years it has little progress, we think that it can be to adjust train of thought, strengthen the technical factors of the pedagogy aspects, even do not hesitate to be guide or manual direction, in order to enhance the effectiveness of pedagogy strengthen the pedagogy academic status.
Keywords:pedagogy; theory of education science; practice of education
教育学学科的科学性受到质疑的根由之一是其理论与实践的悖离——大凡片面追求升学率且比较成功的地方往往是违背教育学规律最为严重的地方,也是把学生进行强制训练比较成功的地方。而对于教育理论与实践的关系问题,叶澜形象地称之为“煮不烂”的老问题 ,陈桂生、石鸥等人认为不是理论脱离实际,而是实际脱离理论; 宁虹、李长伟等强调理论与实践的本然统一 ;徐继存等人强调教育学知识的有限性 。所有这些认识对加深我们对教育学学术走向的理解起到重要作用。但该呼吁的呼吁、该强化的强化,教育学科的困境仍然没有得到真正解决,社会上对教育学的学术性、实用性仍存在质疑。那么,我们能否换个思路,强化一下作为手段或方法的教育学以获取社会对教育学的认同呢?